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Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 15.html

 We have heard that you yourself and your great army of children have been praying for the health of our little son..


 We both most earnestly commend our son's health to vou and yours as an intention for your continued prayers and we only wish we could properly tell you how very deeply thankful we are..

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 17.html

 Douze d'entre our appartiennent aux bataillons scolaires.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 18.html

 Now that our Missioners have traversed the immense plains of Patagonia from the Atlantic Ocean to the Cordilliers, and twice crossed over those famous mountains on their way to Chili, - in­structing and baptizing various tribes of savages as they went, at the cost.


 Cagliero Vicar­Apostolic of Patagonia, cannot bear to see the rites and comforts of our holy religion denied to those poor savages, who, notwithstanding their primitive degradation, are yet his dear children in Jesus Christ.


 Those poor neophites, though willing to assist us; can offer nothing to our Missioners save the sad spectacle of their deplorable misery.


 Hence the Mission is entirely dependent on the 'Pious Salesian Society and the Charity of our Co-operators. And should we for this lose courage?.


 Oh no! On the contrary, let us redouble our exertions in pro of this charitable undertaking which we have already laboured so much for..


 It is difficult to imagine, dearly beloved Co-operators, how I am continually pressed and s upplicated by our indefatigable Missioners.


 Louis Lasagna has returned from that distant land precisely to plead and make better known the wants and - thanks be to God - encouraging condition of our American Missions; nor has he neglected any means by whih hec might induce us to pre­pare this time also a numerous expedition of Salesian Priests and Nuns of Mary Help of Christians.


 But as our dear Co-operators may easily understand, the outfitting of so numerous a body incurs an enormous expenditure in Sacred articles and vestments, in clothing and habiliments generally, in church ornaments, school furniture and household utensils, with­out speaking of the not indifferent and more pressing expenses of baggage and travelling both by sea and land.


 Confiding in the prompt assistance and generous supplies of our Benefactors, we hope to be able to furnish at least some forty or fifty young messengers of peace and of the kingdom of heaven.


 Wherefore I make a fresh appeal to your charity; harken to the Missioner's voice and the imploring cry which arises from hundreds of thousands of abandoned wretches in those far distant regions! Once more I implore our Benefactors to render us practicable this new expedition by assisting us in especial manner with their fervent prayers and with whatever offering they can send us, either in linen or linen-garments, in cloth or clothing, in church furniture or sacred vessels, or better still in money with which to defray the expenses of travelling and transport of luggage both by land and sea, - in short with whatever alms their piety suggests and their condition permits..


 At the Oratory in Turin, whence our Missionaries will set forth, we shall receive with gratitude whatever your industrious charity may think well to consacrate to this generous undertaking.


 We will inscribe your name and theirs in the registers of our Pious Institution, to remember them every day in our prayers, to implore from heaven copious benedictions upon you and upon all those who benefit us, upon your families and upon your undertakings, confident that God will inscribe them in the Book of Life, the Book of the Predestined, for, as St.


 Mary Help of Christians, Protectrix and Mother of our Missioners and of the poor Patagonian savages, obtain from God for you every most desirable Benediction both spiritual and temporal..


 Charitable Benefactors of our Missions are requested to send their Offerings directly to Rev. John Bosco in via Cottolengo, N. 32, Turin, Italy..


 I should have been more solicitous in thanking Your Grace for the marked benevolence [800] with which you have honoured our Pious Society and my poor person in particular.


 I have taken the liberty of transmitting Yout Grace's letter to my Vicar-General, Don Rua, who I hope may be able to find a good zealous priest willing to take charge of our Compatriots in Glasgow..


 I am sorry to be obliged to inform Your Grace that the Rules of our Society do not permit of our sending one of our members alone.

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