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Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 17.html

 Philip Neri, it is recorded, the students of the English College (the Venerabile), who used to be greeted by the Saint with Salvete flores Martyrum, had the custom of going to ask his blessing before going on the mission.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 18.html

 For those tribes, pacified and converted to the true Faith, having once tasted the.charms of a civilized and christian life, are mot to be contented with the mere passing visits of an apostolic Missionary, though it be he who has called them from their social misery to the genial light of the Gospel.


 Cagliero Vicar­Apostolic of Patagonia, cannot bear to see the rites and comforts of our holy religion denied to those poor savages, who, notwithstanding their primitive degradation, are yet his dear children in Jesus Christ.


 Fagnano, who at present is visiting t he Malvine Isles, intends to explore every islet down to Cape Horn, studying at the same time the positions better adapted whereon to pitch the tents of the mew crusaders who soon are going to join him..


 He himself requires a goodly number for the Mission I have confides to his care in the vast Bra­zilian Empire, more extensive in itself than the whole of Europe together, and peopled almost exclusively by savages who range the immense forest of their native plains, languishing through ages for some friendly hand to draw them out of the ignominious barbarity in which they have been entombed for centuries, and which they may yet be condemned to for who knows how many generations, if the zeal of the Missionary, sustained by the charity of the faithful, does mot come to succour and liberate them..


 Induced by those powerful motives, we have decided to prepare a fresh band of Missioners who will get forth, D. V., towards the end of November.


 We will inscribe your name and theirs in the registers of our Pious Institution, to remember them every day in our prayers, to implore from heaven copious benedictions upon you and upon all those who benefit us, upon your families and upon your undertakings, confident that God will inscribe them in the Book of Life, the Book of the Predestined, for, as St.


 An attempt is being made to draw their children from the faith, and the parents are most anxious for a priest who can look after them..


 We have in this city a large number of Italians who are anxious to have a priest of their own race and language.


 I have taken the liberty of transmitting Yout Grace's letter to my Vicar-General, Don Rua, who I hope may be able to find a good zealous priest willing to take charge of our Compatriots in Glasgow..

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