Parola «Implore» [ Frequenza = 5 ]

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 16.html

 Cette mère chrétienne qui implore par votre précieux intermédiaire, mon Vénéré Père, le secours de Marie Auxiliatrice, est Madame de la Vernette de Vallebreuse, coopératrice de votre oeuvre de la jeunesse et qui vous a aidé déjà par ses dons et sans doute aussi par ses prières..

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 17.html

 J'implore votre secours pour un malade qui m'est très cher et j'ai la foi la plus pro­fonde que Dieu, par votre intercession, voudra nous exaucer, quoique le malade et moi-même nous soyons de la religion mahometane.

Don Bosco-Memorie biografiche Vol 18.html

 Wherefore I make a fresh appeal to your charity; harken to the Missioner's voice and the imploring cry which arises from hundreds of thousands of abandoned wretches in those far distant regions! Once more I implore our Benefactors to render us practicable this new expedition by assisting us in especial manner with their fervent prayers and with whatever offering they can send us, either in linen or linen-garments, in cloth or clothing, in church furniture or sacred vessels, or better still in money with which to defray the expenses of travelling and transport of luggage both by land and sea, - in short with whatever alms their piety suggests and their condition permits..


 We will inscribe your name and theirs in the registers of our Pious Institution, to remember them every day in our prayers, to implore from heaven copious benedictions upon you and upon all those who benefit us, upon your families and upon your undertakings, confident that God will inscribe them in the Book of Life, the Book of the Predestined, for, as St.


 Again begging Your Grace to excuse my long delay and renewing my best thanks for your gracious benevolence while I implore your pastoral Benediction.

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